Baby Bump to Baby

Baby Bump to Baby

Still can’t believe I went from baby bump to real-life baby. Still can’t believe that a little over 3 months ago my life changed in a big way. In a blur of sleepless nights, staring into beautiful big brown eyes, midnight wakening, nursing in the early...
Today I am grateful for…

Today I am grateful for…

I’ve been reading some other blogs lately, and one theme that keeps coming up is being grateful, giving thanks for the simple things, giving up on the bad habit of complaining, and not taking your blessing for granted. In light of this, today I thought about a...
50 Ideas for a Rainy Day

50 Ideas for a Rainy Day

Bored out of your brains on a rainy day? Here’s a list of fun, productive and useful things you can do to keep you happy when it rains! I’ve compiled 50 ideas for a rainy day that will make the time pass. Since the weather has been overcast and rainy more...
Welcome to my Third Blog

Welcome to my Third Blog

Hello. Welcome to A Designer Life [dot] net. Why name my blog as such? Well, I am a designer. And this is a snapshot of my life, a “lifestream” if you wish. However, I believe that anyone can have a designer life. I believe that we all have the ability to...