Dunlop Young Designers Furniture Award (YDFA) | Second Prize | MORPHA = TRANSIENT / ADAPTABLE / MULTIFUNCTIONAL FURNITURE. Today’s young adults are world nomads, they might be inhabiting university dormitories, furnishing their first apartments but, like feathers in the wind, they just as easily wish to pack up and go abroad… and then may end up back in the parental nest after a period of freedom. To a young adult, social networking in a global sense is just as important as the local and familiar. They need furniture that is just as transient, as adaptable as they are. Furniture that can accommodate an extra friend (or three), but can just as inconspicuously blend into the fast-paced, technology-driven, super-convenient, commitment-phobic lifestyle that is the life of a young adult in their 20s today. Furniture that can be folded and nested, and then opened up again as life unfolds. MORPHA is a range of furniture that is as impulsive as life itself. Furniture that can enhance your life, but won’t get in your way.