How fun are these rainbow ombre nails? To celebrate the release of Puzzle Wiz, a brand new colour matching game for iPhone and Android, I decided to get my nails done in these delicious shades of red, yellow and blue – just like the tiles on the Puzzle Wiz game. You can easily recreate this Pinterest-perfect look yourself, and you can download the game for free here.

Super fun rainbow ombre nails inspired by Puzzle Wiz colour match game - download now for FREE on iPhone or Android:

If you want to paint rainbow ombre nails like this at home, simply follow these easy steps:

  1. First, make sure your nails are evenly manicured.
  2. Paint on a base coat of white.
  3. Paint the bottom of your nail (near the cuticle) a darker blue with a fine brush.
  4. Onto a tiny sponge, paint a line of dark blue, light blue, yellow and red, and blend slightly.
  5. Dab a few times onto the nail to transfer the colour.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each nail, for a total of 3 coats.
  7. Clean up the excess polish around each nail with polish remover.
  8. Paint on some glitter shimmer polish for extra shine.
  9. Finish it off with some clear topcoat to protect your new rainbow ombre nail art!

Super fun rainbow ombre nails inspired by Puzzle Wiz colour match game - download now for FREE on iPhone or Android:

If you don’t want to DIY these rainbow ombre nails, you could just get your favourite nail art salon to do them for you, like I did! Thanks to the super creative Kat from I Scream Nails, a custom nail art salon in Sydney, I could get this bespoke rainbow look in just over half an hour. I found @iscreamnails over on Instagram, where they have more than 175K followers!

Super fun rainbow ombre nails inspired by Puzzle Wiz colour match game - download now for FREE on iPhone or Android:

After I got my nails done in the morning, I spent all the rainy afternoon curled up on my couch playing Puzzle Wiz. So far I’m up to Level 21 – I’m having so much fun collecting stars, gems, new Wizard costumes, strategically matching colour tiles, and so far I’ve rescued my pet dog, and even a pet dragon! To be honest I wouldn’t call myself a gamer, but this one has got me hooked. The best part about it, apart from the fact that it’s so fun, is that it was totally free to download. Oh, and did I mention that the game was designed and developed right here in Australia by Wicked Witch, who have been making much-loved games on all platforms for over 15 years? I love discovering local talent!

Super fun rainbow ombre nails inspired by Puzzle Wiz colour match game - download now for FREE on iPhone or Android:

Super fun rainbow ombre nails

Super fun rainbow ombre nails

PS. Have you downloaded the Puzzle Wiz game yet? I highly recommend it – it’s super fun! Right here.

Click through for how-to tutorial video! I love these super cute rainbow ombre nails inspired by the launch of Puzzle Wiz colour matching game. It's so much fun!

Hi, I'm Jess!!

I am a multidisciplinary design creative and one of the most followed people on Pinterest.





Hi, my name is Jessica Lea Dunn. I am the second most followed Pinterest influencer in Australia with a speciality in curating images of products, design inspiration and things I love - inspiring 1.9 million followers daily. As a creative professional, I’m a multidisciplinary designer (industrial, UI/UX, visual, service & strategy), art director, product and prop stylist, and photographer.


I am in the Top 200 of the most followed people on Pinterest in the world (currently #175 according to Pin Authority). If you are looking for a Sydney-based social media influencer with a worldwide following to represent your brand - we could be a great fit. I can make your brand and products stand out from the crowd on Pinterest.