The Abundance Project - Free Printable Gratitude Journal - Happy Thanksgiving!

If there’s any foreign holiday I would like to kidnap and adopt as my own, it would be the American Thanksgiving holiday. I’m not one to be a history buff, so don’t ask me about that, but all I do know is that gratitude abounds online during this time of year and I think it’s a fabulous idea to set aside a WHOLE day of the year for the purpose of giving thanks. This is certainly a tradition that needs importing to Australia, which is rather condescendingly known as the Lucky Country, but where the majority of folks actually cultivate a culture of complaining. Yup – on the whole, Aussies can be bloody whingers, despite having one of the strongest economies in the Western world, beautiful beaches, sunny weather, a safe and comfortable political climate, and opportunities wherever you turn. After living in Indonesia and seeing how people can be happy living with less than one tenth of what most Australian’s have, it puts life into perspective and makes the whinging and whining rather tiresome.

Anyway, I’ve had this idea brewing since last Thanksgiving. I wanted to make you all something special. Something that’s needed right now. And… (insert drumroll)… I’m finally so excited to present The Abundance Project, a free printable gratitude journal ebook – it’s a Thanksgiving gift from me to you. Complete with 65 pages full of the best collection of gratitude quotes, inspiration for creating abundance, and lots of space to write – its the only gratitude journal you need to get started with giving thanks! Simply click on the picture above to download the printable PDF file – or you can download it here:

The Abundance Project free printable ebook gratitude journal workbook via A Designer Life

So, to all my American friends – Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s a present I made just for you!

To everyone else in the world – Happy day! Have a free gift anyway, just because!

Jess - A Designer Life

Hi, I'm Jess!!

I am a multidisciplinary design creative and one of the most followed people on Pinterest.





Hi, my name is Jessica Lea Dunn. I am the second most followed Pinterest influencer in Australia with a speciality in curating images of products, design inspiration and things I love - inspiring 1.9 million followers daily. As a creative professional, I’m a multidisciplinary designer (industrial, UI/UX, visual, service & strategy), art director, product and prop stylist, and photographer.


I am in the Top 200 of the most followed people on Pinterest in the world (currently #175 according to Pin Authority). If you are looking for a Sydney-based social media influencer with a worldwide following to represent your brand - we could be a great fit. I can make your brand and products stand out from the crowd on Pinterest.